Forge Documentation


This documentation is deprecated, and only kept here to support users of browser extension APIs. If you are using for iOS or Android, see

Forge and Mobile

The following tutorial is intended to get anyone up to speed developing iOS and Android apps using Forge.

This process does not require you to know Objective C, Java or any platform specific API calls. The only things needed is a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript.

We're working hard to make Forge the simplest way to make mobile apps. We hope you'll find our guides easy to follow - but if you get stuck at any point, just drop us a line on We'd love to help!

This guide will take you through building your first mobile app with Forge. We recommmend reading Getting Started with Forge first to set up your environment.

Preparing to run mobile apps

Goal: Set up development environment

Forge can be used to generate both iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. You can follow the subsequent tutorial with either (or both).

If you have a Mac we recommend you get started with the iOS Simulator. With Windows or Linux, the Android emulator or device is likely to be the simplest. Of course you can also work with the Android emulator on a Mac. Or an iOS device on any development machine but that requires that you have an iOS developer account and additional setup:

Setting up an iOS environment

To build and run iOS apps, you can use a Mac, Windows or Linux computer. However, to use the iOS simulator, a Mac is required.

To use the iOS Simulator on a Mac, you need to install Xcode. You can download Xcode from When this is installed, start XCode and click 'Preferences' from the XCode menu to check the iOS Simulator and command-line tools are listed as installed under components. If not, you may install it from that window.


you do not need to install the Xcode command-line tools just to use the iOS Simulator, but it is required for when you come to package for distribution. So we recommend you install it at the same time that you setup Xcode.

Setting up an Android environment

In order to build your app for Android there is a minimum requirement of having Python and Java installed. Both commands should be installed and made available on your path.

In order to run the app, you'll need an attached phone with debug drivers installed or an active Android emulator device. You will also need to have Python and Java installed and both commands made available on your path.

If you do not set this up yourself, the tools will detect this and offer to create an appropriate Android Virtual Device (AVD) for you - simply follow the instructions given to you by the commands.

If you wish to manually manage your Android emulator you can setup the Android SDK location, by clicking on your app from the Your Apps page, then clicking on 'Local config' in the top right.


At the command-line, use the --android.sdk flag when using forge run android to point to your Android SDK location and run your own emulator AVD. All automatic installation procedures will prompt before making any changes to your system.


There is a bug in the Android 2.3 emulator that will render your apps unusable - this is not a issue but if you manage your own Android AVD you should use an Android 2.2, 3 or 4+ AVD.

Building and running the code

Goal: To see your iOS and Android apps running

You can build and test your app using either the toolkit or the command-line.


If you change your HTML, CSS or JavaScript between builds, then they will take just a couple of seconds. If you change the local config (in the config.json) file, a full rebuild will occur which will take longer

If you run a new app straight after you've created it, you will see our default 'hello world' app appear:



From the Your Apps screen, simply click on the app name you wish to build.

The first time you do this, the Toolkit will perform an initial download of the resources it needs to build. This should complete in a few seconds and you will be prompted to 'Continue'.

You can then click the appropriate link to build and run the app for Android or iOS. You will see the full traceback in the console as the commands are run so you can see progress and any warnings.


If you make subsequent code changes that you want to build and test on the same platform, just click 'Run again' at the bottom of the console view in the app run page.



if you are running the app for Android using the emulator, and an AVD (Android Virtual Device) is not already started when you click the run link, it can take a long time to startup. It will be faster on subsequent runs, but in general we recommend that you develop with an Android device for a faster build / test cycle.


At the command-line you must use two commands forge build and forge run to build and test an app. See Getting started with the command-line tools for the location of the forge executable for your platform.

To build your app:

  • Navigate to your app directory
  • Run forge build ios and forge build android to create your iOS and Android apps.
  • Whenever the src/config.json configuration file changes the entire app needs to be rebuilt.
  • When the build finishes take a look inside the development directory and you should see android and ios sub-directories

To test your app on iOS:

  • Type forge run ios
  • Apple requires apps to be packaged before deploying to iOS devices (see releasing for instructions) so this will launch the simulator

To test your app on Android:

  • Type forge run android
  • To use an Android device, connect it with USB Debugging enabled and the appropriate drivers installed
  • If no device is available, we will automatically start the Android emulator

Hello Mobile

Goal: Adding static content

  • After going through the Getting Started with Forge section you should see a src directory created inside your app directory. This is where all of your app files should be placed
  • The src directory should contain a config.json file which holds all of the configuration settings for the app. You can also edit this file from inside the Toolkit, by click on your app name in the Your Apps page and then the 'App config' link in the top right.
  • Open src/index.html in your favorite text editor
  • You will see the HTML for a default "Hello World" app: you can use this as a starting point for your real app.


Forge looks for index.html as the entry point of your application. This file must be present and the name cannot be changed.

Dynamic Hello

Goal: Running dynamic JavaScript code and using logging

Let's add some dynamic functionality next and re-build:

  • Replace the contents of the body element in index.html with:

    <p>Hello World, this is HTML!</p>
  • Create the file js/default.js and change its contents to:'Hello World, this is JavaScript');
  • Open index.html and make sure default.js is being included:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/default.js"></script>
  • Rebuild and re-run the application: you should see your "Hello World" message in the app.

  • Look at the command prompt/terminal running the code and you should see your "Hello World" log message.


Now that you know how to use logging it is highly encouraged to use it frequently for debugging purposes.

Reference app

The files in represent the code you should have in your src folder at this point. If you run into any issues this is a good place to look.

It's not working!

You can always contact us at, or ask a question on StackOverflow.

What next?

Next you could try our Mobile Weather App tutorial.

Or if you're comfortable with the tooling and want to do something more advanced check out our recipes and example apps.