Forge Documentation


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Excluding files from your buildsΒΆ

To exclude files and folders in src from being included in the output of forge build, you can write a set of exclusion rules in src/.forgeignore. The following is an example .forgeignore file:


There are two types of exclusion rules: rules that check the filename of each file and rules that check the path of each file (relative to the src directory).

Excluding files based on their name:
Any rule without a / symbol in it is a filename rule. If you want to exclude any files called ignoreme.txt, the correct pattern to use is just ignoreme.txt as shown above.
Ignoring files with a specific extension:
Filename rules support glob syntax, so you can have rules that only consider part of the name. For example, *.swp will ignore index.html.swp and main.js.swp.
Ignoring all folders with a certain name (but not files):
To exclude folders that match a rule but not files that match the rule, just add a trailing / symbol. E.g. .git/ will exclude any folders called .git but include individual files with the same name.
Ignoring a file at a specific path:

If you want to exclude a file at a particular location in your code, just specify the path to it. E.g. ./identity.json will exclude identity.json at the top level of your src, but any other files with that name will be included.

Paths support globs too, so e.g. ./temp/*.js will ignore all files matching *.js inside the temp folder.


Windows users should make sure to always use / symbols as the folder separator (forward slashes) in your forgeignore file, these will ensure the exclusion rules work across different platforms