Forge Documentation


This documentation is deprecated, and only kept here to support users of browser extension APIs. If you are using for iOS or Android, see

Configuration for the tools

Configuration settings concerning things like developer certificates shouldn't be shared across a whole team. This local configuration is stored in a file called local_config.json, and can be updated through the "Local Config" tab in the Trigger Toolkit.

The file must be located along side the src/ directory, for example:


If you're using the command-line, all local config can be overriden with command-line switches too.

Modifying local_config.json

You can edit your local configuration through the Toolkit UI by clicking the Local config tab in the top right of the app screen:


Alternatively, edit the file directly using your preferred text editor.

Format of local_config.json

local_config.json is a JSON file which specifies various runtime parameters of the forge commands.

There is a general section, for parameters which are not linked to any particular target, and then per-target sections: ios, android and so on:

  "general": {
              "reload": {
                      "external": true
  "ios": {
    "device": "simulator",
    "profiles": {
      "DEFAULT": {
        "provisioning_profile": "/home/trigger/development.mobileprovision"
      "release": {
        "provisioning_profile": "/home/trigger/release.mobileprovision",
        "developer_certificate": "iPhone Distribution",
        "developer_certificate_path": "C:\developer.pfx",
        "developer_certificate_password": "myp4ssw0rd"
  "android": {
    "sdk": "/opt/local/android-sdk",
    "profiles": {
      "DEFAULT": {
        "keystore": "/home/trigger/development.keystore",
        "keyalias": "trigger"
      "release": {
        "keystore": "/home/trigger/release.keystore",
        "keyalias": "trigger"

A note on file paths

You can specify files using a path relative to the current directory, or you can use an absolute path.

On Windows, you will need to escape the backslashes in paths for your configuration file, e.g.:

    "andoid": {
        "sdk": "C:\\Users\\Tim Monks\\android-sdk-windows"
    "profiles": {
        "DEFAULT": {
            "keystore": "..\\default.keystore"


In the target-specific sections (e.g. ios, android), you can use profiles.

Profiles allow for quick switching between configuration settings at different phases of your development.

For example, you need to use different credentials to sign iOS apps when creating builds for testing and builds for deployment to the App Store.

By creating a different profile in this section, you can quickly change between collections of configuration settings by naming a profile with the --profile command-line argument.

If no --profile argument is given, Forge attempts to use a profile called DEFAULT - it's case sensitive, so you can create and use a profile called default if you wish, for example.


When supplying command-line overrides to profile settings, they take a form like value, where name is the setting name to be overidden, and value is the setting value.

Available Forge Parameters


General parameters are configuration settings not related to any particular target.

There is currently only one possible setting in this section to enable Reloads from external CDNs:

"reload": {
         "external": true


This section contains settings pertaining to building and running Forge apps for iOS.

The device to use when running iOS apps is not profile-specific:

Config Option Command-line Option Meaning
device --ios.device Either simulator, device or a specific device ID
simulatorfamily --ios.simulatorfamily Either ipad or iphone
simulatorsdk --ios.simulatorsdk E.g. 5.1 or 6.0

All other settings should be placed inside a profile: available settings are shown below:

Profile Config Option Command-line Option Meaning
provisioning_profile --ios.profile.provisioning_profile Provisioning Profile to embed into your iOS app
developer_certificate --ios.profile.developer_certificate Name of certificate to sign iOS app with (OS X only)
developer_certificate_path --ios.profile.developer_certificate_path Path to developer certificate (Windows only)
developer_certificate_password --ios.profile.developer_certificate_password Password for given developer certificate (Windows only)

For more information about creating provisioning profiles, see Creating provisioning profiles.


For more information about building iOS apps on Windows, see Developing iOS apps on Windows.


Use this section for settings relating to building and running Forge apps for Android.

The location of the Android SDK is not profile-specific:

Config Option Command-line Option Meaning
sdk --android.sdk Path to the Android SDK on your machine.
device --android.device Device identifier to run your app on, e.g. 323406C1AD9090EC
purge --android.purge Completely reset all state of the app before running.

The other settings should be in a profile:

Profile Config Option Command-line Option Meaning
keystore --android.profile.keystore Path to your keystore
keyalias --android.profile.keyalias Alias given to your key in the keystore
storepass --android.profile.storepass Password for your keystore
keypass --android.profile.keypass Password for your key

We recommend using the command-line switches for storepass and keypass, rather than placing them in a configuration file, for security reasons.

Internet Explorer

Use this section for settings relating to building and packaging Forge apps for Internet Explorer.

Profile Config Option Command-line Option Meaning
developer_certificate --ie.profile.developer_certificate Filename of your developer certificate (e.g. cert.pfx)
developer_certificate_path --ie.profile.developer_certificate_path Path to your developer certificate
developer_certificate_password --ie.profile.developer_certificate_password Password for given developer certificate