Forge Documentation


This documentation is deprecated, and only kept here to support users of browser extension APIs. If you are using for iOS or Android, see

Using hooks

To allow custom steps to be added to the Forge build process the Forge tools support hooks, which are scripts controlled by you which Forge will run at specific points in the build. These scripts are placed in the specific hook folder within a hooks folder in the top level of your app (next to src). For example placing in hooks/prebuild would cause to be executed at the prebuild stage. Hooks are executed in alphabetical order.

Hooks types are defined by the file extension of the hook, the following hook types are currently supported:

  • .py - Python hooks will be run by executing python <target>.
  • .js - Node hooks will be run by executing node hook.js <target>.
  • .sh - Shell hooks will be run by executing ./ <target> and will not work on Windows.
  • .bat - Windows batch file hooks will be run by executing hook.bat <target> and will only work on Windows.


For .sh hooks, you must use a hashbang as the first line, or your hook will fail to execute.


<target> will be replaced with the platform currently being built, i.e. ios or android.

Available hooks are:

  • prebuild - The prebuild hook executes within the src directory before a build is run, however any changes will not affect the src directory contents after the build is finished, only the built apps. This allows preprocessing of files to occur.
  • postbuild - The postbuild hook executes within the the development folder once a build has completed, any changes made at this point will affect forge run and forge package until another build is run.


Below are a number of example hooks which can be pasted and either used as they are or as a starting point for creating your own.


// Compile all coffee files in the current tree to js and delete originals

var cs = require("coffee-script");
var fs = require("fs");

files = fs.readdirSync('.');

var processDir = function (dir) {
    fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function (file) {
        var stat = fs.statSync(dir+"/"+file);
        if (stat.isDirectory()) {
        } else {
            var fileParts = file.split(".");
            if (fileParts[fileParts.length-1] == "coffee" && fileParts.length > 1) {
                var script = fs.readFileSync(dir+"/"+file, "utf8");
                fileParts[fileParts.length-1] = "js"
                fs.writeFileSync(dir+"/"+fileParts.join("."), cs.compile(script), "utf8");
                console.log("Compiled "+dir+"/"+file+" to "+dir+"/"+fileParts.join("."));



Make you have installed the coffee-script module for node: npm install coffee-script


// Compile all less files in the current tree to css and delete originals

var less = require("less");
var fs = require("fs");

files = fs.readdirSync('.');

var processDir = function (dir) {
    fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function (file) {
        var stat = fs.statSync(dir+"/"+file);
        if (stat.isDirectory()) {
        } else {
            var fileParts = file.split(".");
            if (fileParts[fileParts.length-1] == "less" && fileParts.length > 1) {
                var script = fs.readFileSync(dir+"/"+file, "utf8");
                fileParts[fileParts.length-1] = "css"
                less.render(script, function (e, css) {
                    fs.writeFileSync(dir+"/"+fileParts.join("."), css, "utf8");
                    console.log("Compiled "+dir+"/"+file+" to "+dir+"/"+fileParts.join("."));



Make you have installed the less module for node: npm install less